Carat Klebespray

Schnelltrocknender Kleber für Dekorationszwecke, sowohl für Dauer- als auch für vorübergehende Haftung. Geeignet zum Verleimen von Papier, Karton, Holz, Textilien und verschiedenen Kunststoffen. Carat Klebespray ist benutzerfreundlich und geeignet zum Verleimen großen Flächen.


  • Schnelle Trocknung
  • Benutzerfreundlich
  • Geeignet zum Verleimen großen Flächen


Before use, carefully read the directions on the packaging and act accordingly.

The surface should be clean, dry and free of grease. The aerosol should have room temperature. Best processing temperature 5 to 30°C. Before use, shake the aerosol. Distance to the surface to be treated approximately 25 to 30 centimetre.

Apply the adhesive spray in an equal layer.

For a permanent adhesion treat both parts to be glued, allow to dry 15 to 20 minutes and firmly press together.

For a temporary adhesion treat one of the parts to be glued, allow to dry for 5 to 10 minutes, and firmly press together.

When treating porous surfaces, apply several layers.

After use, clean the valve (turn aerosol upside down and press the nozzle for approximately 5 seconds).